Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Lost Angels

Some of you might think I might have a child already for me to be an active supporter of against the child abuse program. No, I don't have any child, in fact, I am only 17 years old. But do you need to have a child to be an active supporter of this cause? I don't think so, I believe all of us have a child part of our lives, (ex. niece, nephew, your children had been once a kid and even you had experience being a kid). Why did I choose this cause? Simple, children are innocent, they can't protect and fight for their selves. So I want to be one of those people who will stand up and speak for them. Supporting this cause, isn't really that hard, all you need to do is raise awareness about child abuse and ask people to support. I can never imagine anyone could hurt little angels, so help me protect them.

The link will bring you to a youtube video, its a short video I made, please check it if you have time. :)
Stop Child Abuse

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby P - The Injuries

The boy had been reduced to a nervous wreck, his hair shaved to the scalp and his body covered in bruises and scabs. A post-mortem revealed he had swallowed a tooth after being punched. Other injuries included a broken back, broken ribs, having the tips of fingers sliced off, nails pulled out and ears almost pulled out of the skin.

Bruises were covered in chocolates and his infected scalp was hidden in whip creams.

All of Baby P's clothings were filled with blood.

You're now safe our angel. Rest now, you will always be in our hearts.

The Death Of An Angel: Baby P

Peter Connelly, more known as Baby P had been brought to this world on March 1, 2006 by his mother, Tracey Connelly. He had been given a life to appreciate the beauty of this world and wonders of life but he didn't have the chance to, his time on earth was cut short.

Who would have thought that he had died in the hands of his mother's boyfriend, Steven Barker and what hurts me more is that Baby P's mother or any other people around this angel didn't even take any actions to prevent his death. His case had caused shocked and public awareness due to the tremendous injuries Baby P suffered in his 17 months stay here.

Baby P had been described as the cute little kid who always had a ready smile to anybody by the people who knew him. This angel had been neglected since the start of his life. Reports say that his mother would leave him unattended for hours in his cot while she spent hours on the internet and chat rooms. Tracey Connelly, split from Baby P's biological father when he was 3 months old after 2 affairs with other men.

When Tracey Connelly's 2nd lover, Steven Barker moved in with them, the child's suffering increased.While the child's mother continued staying on chat rooms, Barker would beat Baby P and forced the child to follow all his commands. He would pinch the child, swing him by his legs or neck, and spin him around on a stool until he fall. The Police were told that the boyfriend, wanted to “toughen him up”.

Jason Owen, Barker's brother who had also stayed in the Connelly's residence with his girlfriend was also found guilty of causing or allowing the death of this angel.

Baby P had been in and out of hospitals due to injuries, his injuries were reported to the Social Workers in their place but Tracey always had a "reasonable" excuse for the bruises. Social Workers visited the flat, which was found to be dirty, untidy and smelling of urine. They had discovered that the child was also staying with his grandmother and 3 dogs but were completely unaware of the boyfriend's stay in the house. With no charges filed, Baby P was allowed to continue staying with Tracey.

As he grew too old for milk and jars of baby food, Baby P scavenged bits of broken biscuits from older children and was even seen eating dirt in the garden. Detectives found that after the boyfriend moved in there was not one piece of the boy’s clothing that was not spattered with blood. Sources involved in the case said that when officers went into the house they found dead mice and chicks lying around — food for a snake that the boyfriend kept in his bedroom. The man was also said to enjoy torturing animals and would skin frogs alive before breaking their legs.

Social Workers allowed the child to stay with them, wanting the kid to have a complete family. Yet the violence worsened, with A&E attendances for black eyes, swellings and bruises, “scalp rash” and “ear discharge”.

When the case worker visited Baby P four days before Baby P’s death for a prearranged meeting. She found the boy in his pushchair, his bruises covered up with chocolate. “He had eaten a chocolate biscuit and there was chocolate over his face,” she told the court. “He had chocolate on his hands and face.” She said that she asked the mother to wipe his face before they went out and the mother started cleaning him. Miss Ward noted that the boy had an infected scalp, which was covered in white cream, and an ear infection.
But she added: “He appeared well. He smiled when I spoke to him.” The case worker said that she had been content to leave the boy with his mother because she appeared to be co-operative and properly supported.

48 hours before his death, Baby P was taken to St Ann’s Hospital amid further concerns for his wellbeing. During an examination by Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, a paediatrician, his mother and her friend supported the child. Despite Baby P’s repeated cries of pain, the consultant missed both his broken back and ribs. Saying that Baby P was cranky and didn't want anyone near him. On the same day, our angel was allowed to went home. He received a fatal blow to his mouth, knocking a tooth out. He had suffered all his 17 months stay, he had been a brave little angel who fought for his life and still managed to smile after all what he had endured. After all of these, he finally is safe, the next day he was found dead lying on his cot.

 March 1, 2006 - August 3, 2007
Rest In Peace Little Angel